Baton Rouge Levee

Lauren Brown

LeveeThe sun on my face, Barbara Streisand in my ears, keys and pepper spray in my hands, pavement under my feet.

Yes, Baton Rouge decided to embrace Spring this week.

Take full advantage before Summer comes next week and go to the levee for a jog, a walk, a bike ride, or even a kite fly.

The LSU lakes are popular for runners, but I’ve never understood how people are able to run when they’re pressed against each other.

The less-populated levee enables you to run without feeling like a stranger’s Siamese twin.

It stretches alongside the Mississippi River and, as you can turn around at any point you choose, provides a much less-committal run than the four-mile circumference of the lakes.

Just make sure you hold your nose when you run by the cows.

After your run, take a sip from one of the two provided water fountains-turned-cesspools, and revel in the enjoyable and foreign weather.

Originally posted February 17, 2011

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